Sunrider Wiki

Ruler of Ryuvia

King Jaylor XII

Many millenia ago, the Holy Ryuvian Empire ruled the galaxy as a god would rule men. Possessing powerful technologies more akin to magic rather than the sciences, all of mankind bowed to the power of the Ryuvian Emperor. However, with such great technology came the unparalleled power to destroy. The Holy Ryuvian Empire gradually destroyed itself in great wars of Imperial succession, becoming nothing more than an ancient legend. Today, the technology of the ancient Ryuvians has largely been lost and forgotten. What little fragments of their knowledge remains are found in ancient artifacts, dubbed by contemporaries as “lost technology.”

King Jaylor XII is a symbol of Ryuvia’s lost heritage. Once a mighty and powerful man, King Jaylor has become withered in his old age. Following the tragic death of his Queen by lowly pirates ten years ago, King Jaylor’s health has deteriorated severely. Leaving only a singular heir to the throne, who has now vanished from the royal court, rumors of a potential succession crisis have spread in Ryuvia. With the incoming PACT menace, the people of Ryuvia are on the verge of revolt and demand that the King take drastic action to protect Ryuvia from the fate suffered by countless Neutral Rim worlds. However, the King appears powerless to protect Ryuvia from its fate…
